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I always want to dive into my dreams and explore my imagination. Some of my inspirations for my design projects emerge from these daydream moments...

Prise de vue aérienne Bateau


I sailed strategically across a blue ocean in search of the best dream...

While reading the bestseller by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, I try to understand the concept of the "Blue Ocean Strategy". In search of new unexplored strategic spaces, to create innovation, I will always remain in search of maritime adventures.

Éclat de lumière


I wandered like a free electron, allowing myself to be attracted by the digital light...

For my final diploma project, I studied the construction of identity in the digital age. Social media as digital material exchanged by teenagers are supports for self-expression, digital light becomes a source of creativity for these young people.

Performance magique


I wanted to create magic out of thin air, while leading my audience...

Since my childhood, my passion for magic is what drives me to realize my wildest dreams: defying the laws of nature! My design studies have allowed me to explore the possibilities of changing the world in a magical way. Surrounded by people, as a magician, I love leading my audience to realize my surprising show.



I dreamed of being metamorphosed into a giant insect...

I get my inspiration from the nature and more particulary the insect world. Day after day they surprise me, as much by their incredible way of life different from ours, as by their extraordinary capacity to surpass their limits. The most original of all is undoubtedly the Oedemera nobilis and its curious thighs. Its brilliant green color inspires the reflection of my creativity.

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Tom Illand

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